Monday, 19 November 2012

New, kid-friendly and SAFE blog!

We will be starting to use KIDBLOG as a way to communicate with each other.  This will also be a means for engaging homework.

KIDBLOG is safe.  It does not require any personal information from the students.  It does not require an email address (for those parents who are still unsure about allowing their children access to email).  Here is what their website says:
"Kidblog provides teachers with the tools to help students safely navigate the digital – and increasingly social – online landscape. Kidblog allows students to exercise digital citizenship within a secure, private classroom blogging space. Kidblog’s security features put safety first:"

Students will be given a password to log onto our blog.  Here is the link to use when posting a comment or reading posts on the blog:

Happy Blogging!

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